Thursday, May 11, 2006 Y 7:03 PM

hey.. oh my! oh my! didnt go for co nite today...and while i was walking home , guess who i saw??
PArt C cheryl, rupini and another part C whom i dun noe the name. it was a close shave larr. i think they were about to ask me where are the other part a's laaa!! lucky i ESCAPED! heehee

Walao today im damn angry with diana la.. all taking advantage just tt i have a lot of SWEETS
they all open my bag and take my sweet secretly..WHO THE HELL U THINK I AMM?? dun think i dun have my limits ah! piissed off man..just because im kind u and SMALL u all do this to me rite??

anw, im wasting my breath talking about this-so-called childishy stuff

HEre are some photos taken by US-- the platoon mates ALPHA'06!! ::

heehee!! this is me before going for affirmation..
u noe wad? my mum FORCED me to take this PHoto
when i dint want!! i look so weird and a lil funny~

hey! im so proud my platoon is so so bonded
yeahh.. we shall endure and persevere as one
platoon ALPHA'06 is one of a kind!!

we were practising the skit outside ashwiyni house
ground floor. eunice keep asking us to say our lines
louder and we were literally screaming
evrybody from upstairs were watching as as their
entertainment!! haha

i like this photo!! so nice!! *smilesmile*
my favourite i thinkk! so NICE!! so NICE!

another picture of our

platoonie(we created this word) although not all are here

in the lift going to ashwiynis house..a bit blur though..oh my oh my yvonee so TALL


that about all still got about 4 more photos but i very lazy to post

if got time i post later ok??

yeahh i betta go and find mothers day gift at northpoint

better get going

byess--- peace out!!! >.<

Y 7:03 PM

hey.. oh my! oh my! didnt go for co nite today...and while i was walking home , guess who i saw??
PArt C cheryl, rupini and another part C whom i dun noe the name. it was a close shave larr. i think they were about to ask me where are the other part a's laaa!! lucky i ESCAPED! heehee

Walao today im damn angry with diana la.. all taking advantage just tt i have a lot of SWEETS
they all open my bag and take my sweet secretly..WHO THE HELL U THINK I AMM?? dun think i dun have my limits ah! piissed off man..just because im kind u and SMALL u all do this to me rite??

anw, im wasting my breath talking about this-so-called childishy stuff

HEre are some photos taken by US-- the platoon mates ALPHA'06!! ::

heehee!! this is me before going for affirmation..
u noe wad? my mum FORCED me to take this PHoto
when i dint want!! i look so weird and a lil funny~

hey! im so proud my platoon is so so bonded
yeahh.. we shall endure and persevere as one
platoon ALPHA'06 is one of a kind!!

we were practising the skit outside ashwiyni house
ground floor. eunice keep asking us to say our lines
louder and we were literally screaming
evrybody from upstairs were watching as as their
entertainment!! haha

i like this photo!! so nice!! *smilesmile*
my favourite i thinkk! so NICE!! so NICE!

another picture of our

platoonie(we created this word) although not all are here

in the lift going to ashwiynis house..a bit blur though..oh my oh my yvonee so TALL


that about all still got about 4 more photos but i very lazy to post

if got time i post later ok??

yeahh i betta go and find mothers day gift at northpoint

better get going

byess--- peace out!!! >.<