Sunday, May 20, 2007 Y 4:26 PM

i've been receiving anonymous phone calls recently and they are so irritating that it got onto my nerves.

the first five calls that was answered by my brother and he said the phone call was for me.
ash: wahlao fatimah! your friend damn irritating. keep calling!!!
me: its not my bloody friend la. nobody answer when i say hello!!! idiot!
and true enough when i answered the call the phone line made this weird noise "teeetteeettteeet!". super irritating
by the time it rang for the tenth time ( i counted!) i answered and the person on the other line didnt answer me aand went teeeeeeettttt again.
i shouted on the phone" SHUTTT UP! what the hellll!" and i slammed down. and it didnt ring anymore.

omg, i wonder who it is.
and mr tharman is so tall. i look like a dwarf when i stood beside him!
but everything went well i guess(:

BYEBYEBYE! haha zura!
off to amk hub(:
